If you’re a copyright holder and you found a video on Vimeo that infringes on your copyright, go to our DMCA page and fill out an official claim form.
Can Vimeo take action if someone pirates my video?
Vimeo doesn’t own the copyright to your videos — you do. You are responsible for enforcing your rights. Since Vimeo is merely an intermediary, we can’t take action on your behalf. But don’t worry! We want to help you, and we can point you to the resources at your disposal.
As the copyright owner, what can I do if someone pirates my video?
To learn all your options as a rights holder, you should consider consulting an attorney. Vimeo can’t offer you legal advice, but we can point you toward resources that you can use to help enforce your rights. One of the easiest tools to use is the notice and takedown procedure provided by the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA).
When can I expect the video to be removed?
It is Vimeo’s policy to expeditiously remove videos (and other content) that are the subject of valid DMCA takedown notices. In general, we try to remove videos within one or two business days.