Soundtracks in the stock music library are royalty-free and licensed for commercial use.
Videos made in the editor can be published on social media platforms (Facebook, YouTube, etc.) without a problem as long as they are published directly from Vimeo using the Publish to Social feature - this way Vimeo can ensure that the license is recognized.
When publishing a video directly from the Vimeo editor, Vimeo has the ability to add a "clearance" tag to the videos and whitelist it so that the algorithms on YouTube, Facebook, and other platforms won't detect the soundtrack/content as a copyright infringement.
Once a video made in the editor is downloaded from Vimeo and then uploaded as a file, Vimeo does not have the ability to whitelist it. This is why those videos are prone to be detected as copyright infringement by the algorithms. Vimeo has no way of "clearing" a video that was downloaded from Vimeo and manually uploaded to a third-party platform.
As an alternative, you can also dispute the claim on that platform, informing them that the soundtrack was taken from Vimeo's music library as part of the creation process.
In the rare case where your video was shared directly from Vimeo and you still received a copyright notice/claim (note that this might happen when the videos are shared in "private" mode), you can either dispute it and mention that you made the video using the Vimeo editor, or you can contact us and send us the following information, so we can release it for you:
- The link to your video on the third-party platform (YouTube, Facebook, etc.)
- The link to the video on Vimeo.
- A screenshot of the copyright claim.
Once we receive the required information, we'll be able to take care of this with our music provider and the social platform.
⚠️Note: If the video was incorporated into a live stream video, Vimeo will not be able to clear/whitelist the soundtrack and you will need to dispute the claim on your own.
In addition, if you upload your own music, we won’t be able to provide you with a commercial license.