In this article:
Video source requirements
Before you begin uploading a 360 video to Vimeo, we recommend taking a look at the following requirements for your 360 video source file so we can make it look as beautiful as possible.
Projection type: All 360 video uploaded to Vimeo should be equirectangular. The image should resemble a 3D sphere flattened onto a 2D rectangular: think of a spherical object (e.g. the planet), mapped onto right-angled coordinates (e.g. a giant poster in geography class).
Source type: You can upload monoscopic or stereoscopic 360 video to Vimeo. Monoscopic 360 video is filmed using one camera per field of view from one single point of view, and all videos are later stitched together to form one equirectangular video.
For stereoscopic 360 video, Vimeo supports the top/bottom layout. These types of sources include two equirectangular videos, one on top of another, contained within the same file. The left/right layout for stereoscopic video is not supported and cannot be rendered as 360 within the Vimeo player.
Resolution: We support upload and playback for videos up to 4K.
Aspect ratio: We recommend a 2:1 aspect ratio for 4K monoscopic 360 video. For 4K stereoscopic 360 video, we recommend a 4:1 aspect ratio for each of the two equirectangular images stacked on top of each other, so that combined image has a 2:1 aspect ratio.
Audio format: For output, Vimeo supports standard mono, 2-channel stereo audio, and surround audio with 5.1 and 7.1 channel layouts. We also support spatial audio in the first-order and second-order ambisonic format (AmbiX).
⚠️Note: Vimeo only supports playback of 7.1 channel audio on browsers that support the Opus codec.
Metadata: During upload, we’ll detect the settings of your 360 video to the best of our robots’ abilities based on the metadata of your source file (projection type, audio format, etc.). You’ll see dismissable error notifications on your video page and video settings if we pick up on something in your source file that may not be supported.
Most cameras and editing software don’t include metadata by default for 360 video. We recommend using either Spatial Media Metadata Injector or Premiere Pro’s VR video settings to inject metadata into your source file before upload.
Review page for 360 video
Vimeo members Standard and higher, Pro and higher, or Enterprise can use the video review page to share their 360 videos quickly and securely. The review page’s in-video notes are not currently supported for 360 videos and will be disabled automatically.