Vimeo Stock videos will no longer be available to purchase beginning April 1, 2025. Your purchased Vimeo Stock videos will still be available in your Vimeo Library, and none of your videos using Vimeo Stock videos will be impacted.
Learn more below about how to access, use, and download your purchased Vimeo Stock videos below.
Vimeo Stock offers exceptional, royalty-free stock videos for purchase. We partnered with world-class creators from our community to exclusively license their collections for sale through Vimeo Stock.
Since all of our stock clips are royalty-free and cleared for commercial use, you can use each licensed clip in an unlimited number of video projects, such as narrative films, documentary films, and commercials, as well as on websites and in corporate videos. Please review our standard license for permitted uses prior to purchasing a stock clip.
In this article:
- Finding the right stock clip
- The stock clip page
- Purchase Vimeo Stock clips
- Manage your stock clips on Vimeo
- Downloading and using your stock clips
Finding the right stock clip
There are a few ways to explore Vimeo’s collection of stock clips. The first step is to head to the Vimeo Stock landing page.
From there, you can either search keywords to find stock clips that would work for your video project or browse one of our handpicked collections. You can filter down search results by clip details like price, duration, video quality, frame rate, and whether the clip is a Vimeo Exclusive.
The stock clip page
In addition to watching the video in its entirety with a watermark, there are a few actions you can take once you’ve landed on a specific stock clip page.
Purchase the video in 4K or HD. You’ll see details about the file format (e.g. ProRes, H.264) and resolution (ranging from 838 x 2048 to 2700 x 4800) alongside pricing information. You’ll also find additional information about frame rate and clip duration below the video player. If you don’t already have a Vimeo subscription, you have the option to add one to your cart along with the stock clip to save 20% on your whole order. If you already have a Vimeo subscription, the 20% discount for stock clips is automatically applied.
Download a 720 x 1280 version of the video file (or “comp”), with a watermark added. While you can’t use these watermarked files in any video that you distribute online, they are perfect for testing in your edit before licensing.
Add the stock clip to a new or existing showcase. Once in a showcase, collections of stock clips can be used as wishlists or mood boards to start gathering ideas for your projects. You can also share showcases with collaborators to make sure you’re aligned with your team on which clips work best before you make the purchases. It’s also simple to download comps and add clips to your cart directly from a showcase. Please note that stock clips are private videos, so showcases of stock clips cannot be indexed by Google using the SEO feature.
Browse similar videos by selecting the tags associated with the stock clip that is displayed prominently below the video player. You’ll also see thumbnails of other stock clips from the same creator in a grid just above the footer at the bottom of the stock clip page.
Purchase Vimeo Stock clips
You can add a stock clip to your cart from pretty much anywhere around the site where you see the stock clip’s thumbnail (e.g. on the stock clip page, in search results, or in a showcase) by selecting the shopping cart icon on the thumbnail.
You’ll see a cart icon with a number appear in the right corner of the top navigation if you have one or more stock clips in your cart. Hovering over that cart will reveal all the items you’ve added to it so far without needing to leave the Vimeo page you’re currently on. Select the cart icon when you’re ready to check out.
Vimeo Plus members and higher receive 20% off on all stock clip purchases. If you already have a Vimeo membership, the 20% discount for stock clips is automatically applied. If you don’t already have a Vimeo subscription, you have the option to add one to your cart along with the stock clip to save 20% on your whole order.
We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, and PayPal as payment methods for Vimeo Stock purchases.
⚠️Note: Vimeo Stock sales are final. Before completing your stock clip purchase, please make sure to triple-check that the clip details like resolution, file format, and frame rate match the ones you need for your video project.
After you complete your purchase, you’ll see a receipt on the screen and we’ll send a copy to the email address associated with your Vimeo account. You can also retrieve a receipt at any time from the Purchases page.
Manage your stock clips on Vimeo
Your purchased stock clips will appear alongside your uploaded videos in the Library with the privacy setting “Stock footage.” Admins added to your account will be able to view and download stock footage you’ve purchased, but they will not be able to purchase stock footage on your behalf.
You can edit the title of your stock clip in its settings like any other video, but you won’t be able to change the privacy and embedding settings as you would for a normal video on your account. Unlike your uploaded videos, stock clips don’t count against your weekly upload quota or total account storage, and cannot be embedded.
When you buy footage, you pay a one-time license fee to use stock footage in your video projects. After that, you won’t have to pay any royalties that are based on plays or the number of video projects. Please note that the licenses are non-transferable and non-refundable. You can view the license for any of your stock clips on the Purchases page.
Download and use your stock clips
To download your stock clip, navigate to its clip page by selecting its title in your Library, then select the Download button beneath the video player.
For 4K and HD-only footage, we’ll provide the original source file for download, which may either be ProRes (most common) or H.264, depending on what the creator uploaded as the original format (this information is provided prior to purchase). The source will always be marked as “original” in the download box on the clip page.
⚠️Note: It’s important to always select Original when downloading purchased stock files (if available). For 4K footage purchased in HD quality, the original file download option will not be available. In this case, select the highest quality available in the download box.