We have started migrating Plus and Pro users to total storage in lieu of weekly quota. You can check your plan’s storage using the tracker in the lower left-hand corner of your account’s home page, library, or video upload page.
If you see that you have or will soon reach your account’s video upload quota, usage, or storage limit, steps you can take to free up or add space depend on which type of plan you have and how it measures storage allowance. This article will outline steps you can take depending on what type of storage allowance your plan has.
Weekly upload quota (Some Plus and Pro accounts)
If you have reached your weekly upload quota limit, you can:
- Compress your source file to reduce the file size (e.g. use a lower bitrate or resolution).
- Wait for your weekly quota to reset (hover over the tracker in the lower left corner of your library page to see when that occurs).
- It is not possible to temporarily increase your quota or reset your quota early.
- Delete a video that was uploaded since your last quota reset to free up space in your current quota week. Deleting videos that were uploaded prior to that reset will not free up space for your current quota.
- Upgrade your account to get more storage.
Video usage (Free, Starter, Standard, Advanced accounts created before June 17, 2024 and maintained a paid subscription)
You can check your sign-up date in the upper left-hand corner of your account settings.
If you hit your video usage cap, you can:
- Delete any video(s) that were added within the last 24 hours of hitting your cap to open up more video space (consider downloading it first).
- Upgrade your account to increase your video allowance.
Total storage (all other plans)
If you have reached your total storage limit, you can:
- Compress your source file to reduce the file size (e.g. use a lower bitrate or resolution)
- Delete previous versions of videos you’ve replaced using version history.
- Delete videos you don’t need to store anymore.
- Upgrade your account to get more storage.