Before you add any videos to your Vimeo account, you can configure a default privacy setting for all uploads, as well as adjust the privacy setting on the upload page itself. If you're not sure which privacy setting to choose, learn more about what each privacy setting means.
In this article:
- Set your upload default privacy settings
- Default privacy settings for videos created in the Vimeo video editor
- Change the privacy setting on the upload page
Set your upload default privacy settings
Log into Vimeo and navigate to your upload default settings.
Navigate to the Privacy section.
Use the settings here to determine what others can do with your uploaded videos, including:
- Who can watch
- Who can comment
- Where they can be embedded
- Whether viewers can download them
- (Optional): Check the box next to Also apply to existing videos if you want to apply these settings to all of your videos.
- Save your settings.
⚠️ Note: If you make any changes to a video's privacy in an app (such as the Mevo app, Final Cut, iMovie, or the Vimeo app itself) that allows you to upload to Vimeo from a source other than, any upload default settings you've set for your videos will be overridden. Any setting that is changed in an external app will take precedence over the upload defaults in the user's account settings.
Default privacy settings for videos created in the Vimeo video editor
Videos made with Vimeo will always save with the following privacy settings by default:
- Basic and Free accounts created before 11/22/2024 → Private
- Basic and Free accounts created on or after 11/22/2024 → Unlisted
- Plus and higher accounts → Unlisted
- Accounts set to “Private mode” → Hide from Vimeo
The video’s privacy can be updated later on the video settings page under by selecting the Privacy setting at the top right of the page. Note that videos created with uploaded music are locked to the Private privacy.
Change the privacy setting on the upload page
When you’re on the upload page, the default privacy setting can be found in the upper right corner. Click on that privacy setting indicator to open the privacy panel and choose your new upload’s privacy settings.