This feature requires an Enterprise plan. Enterprise account Owners and Admins can access the data retention tool. If you are not on an Enterprise plan, visit Can I recover a deleted video? for more information on video recovery.
The Vimeo Enterprise data retention tool allows you to view a history of videos that have been deleted by your retention policies, as well as the ability to recover the videos that have been deleted in the last 30 days by your policies.
To access your video history for recovery:
- Navigate to your team management page.
- Select the Settings tab.
- Select History & recovery.
- Click the Last 30 days tab to recover videos that have been deleted in the last 30 days. The recovered videos will be moved into a new Recovered folder that will be created in your account.
⚠️Note: If you have a default data retention policy enabled on your account, it would also be applied to the “Recovered” folder. However, you can apply a different data retention policy (i.e. with a longer retention schedule) to this folder in order to override the default. - In the Past 30 days tab, you can select a date range to view a history of clips that have been deleted in that date range.
- Select your date range and click Show results.
- To export this list, click Export to CSV.