The Timeline, located below the canvas in the video editor, allows you to organize and modify the sequence and duration of elements in your video such as media, text, music, and graphics.
Additionally, you can edit your video by using keyboard shortcuts.
Each element is represented by a color-coded block that can be moved, trimmed, or extended.
The top of the timeline contains tools to facilitate text-based video editing, splitting elements, deleting elements, and playing and pausing your video. You can also zoom in and out of the timeline, or fit the timeline to the size of your browser window.
The video editor supports multi-track editing, allowing for simultaneous playback of media and effects. For example, you can play multiple video clips alongside photos, or layer background music with an uploaded voiceover track.
⚠️Note: If you overlap multiple videos or photos, the topmost layer in the stack will be the top layer displayed in the video. However, if another layer’s media contains sound (ex: a video clip of a cityscape with traffic sounds), the sounds will continue to play in the background.