Open Broadcaster Software Studio(OBS) is a popular free application that can stream live video to many streaming platforms, including Vimeo OTT.
You can download and learn more about OBS here. Please note that livestreaming events on your OTT site is only available for Growth and Enterprise sellers.
Start by creating your event on your Vimeo OTT site by going to Content > Create live event. In the Live Event Setup page, click the blue Create URL and Stream key button to get your event's RTMP URL and Stream Key.
Launch OBS. The auto-configuration wizard may open automatically when you first launch OBS or you can navigate to Tools > Auto-Config Wizard to start setting up your stream.
The third step in the auto-config wizard will prompt you for your stream information. Select Custom... from the Service drop-down menu.
Copy and paste the RTMP URL from your OTT event setup page into the Server field and the stream key into the Stream Key field. We recommend leaving the checkbox next to Estimate bitrate with bandwidth test selected. Click Next.
The OBS bandwidth test will begin. Based on the results of the test, the auto-configuration wizard will recommend encoding and bitrate settings. You can use these settings by selecting Apply Settings.
To quickly test streaming with a built-in laptop camera or a webcam, click the + button beneath the Sources panel, and then select Video Capture Device.
Choose Create New, give the source a name (e.g. "Webcam"), then click OK. In the next window, you can choose among your available devices to add as a video source to OBS, then click OK to see it in the Sources panel.
Once you see your video source (i.e. your camera), click Start Streaming to go live to your OTT site.