You can use @mentions to notify other users within a comment. Read on to learn how to @mention someone and for additional information about how @mentions work on Vimeo.
In this article:
- How to use @mentions
- How do @mentions work for Viewers?
- How do @mentions work for Collaborators?
- What happens if a user is @mentioned?
How to use @mentions
- Navigate to the comments panel by selecting the Comments button or scrolling below the video player.
- In the comment text box, type the “@” symbol and at least one character to see the selectable user to auto-fill.
- Once you have found the user you would like to @mention, select their name and then type the rest of your comment.
- Select Post to leave your comment on the video.
How do @mentions work for Viewers?
- Viewers who are on a team can @mention other members of their team.
- Viewers who are not on a team can @mention other users who have already commented.
How do @mentions work for Collaborators?
- Team members can @mention other team members.
- Guest members can @mention other users who have already commented. They can use @mentions in comments via a Review link or an Unlisted video link.
What happens if a user is @mentioned?
If a logged-in user is @mentioned, they receive an email, bell, and push notification (if enabled on mobile) from which they can click through to arrive at the video with the commenting panel opened and the relevant comment highlighted.
If a guest user is @mentioned, they receive an email notification from which they can click through to arrive at the video with the commenting panel opened and the relevant comment highlighted.