Out of the box, Vimeo OTT allows you to set up geoblocking rules for your products, videos, collections, and categories. This ensures that your content is only viewed in regions where your license is valid.
For an extra layer of security, you can also enable Block Anonymous IPs. Activating this option will enforce additional checks against your customer's location.
To enable anonymous IP blocking:
- From your admin, navigate to Manage > Site.
- Select the Advanced tab.
- Scroll down to the "Block Anonymous IP" section and tick the box next to Enable anonymous IP blocking.
If a customer is accessing your content via a VPN, proxy server, or another method that masks their actual location, they will be blocked from viewing your content.
⚠️Note: Enable this with caution. There are many valid reasons for customers to use a VPN or proxy; they may not always be nefarious attempts at accessing your content inappropriately. This option exists for those that have contractual obligations to block anonymous IP addresses and likely isn't necessary for most Sellers.