Below is a list of creative and copy assets we recommend you have in place before publishing your site.
The Basics
These are the items you will need to start setting up your Vimeo OTT site.
Your video content
These all need to be compressed to our recommended specs.
Video descriptions
A short description for each uploaded video.
We recommend hosting your trailer or teasers on YouTube to further your social reach. When ready, plug the URL into the Product edit page, like this.
💡Tip: Put your website address somewhere in the trailer video and your website link in the YouTube description.
Product/Subscription descriptions
Products are bundles of your video content that get sold. Write descriptions of each Product being sold and what items it includes on the product edit page.
16:9 Product image
You should think of a representative image that fits your Product well. The file should be 16x9 aspect to fit the embeddable Video Widget frame. Add the Product image on the Product edit page.
💡Tip: Prep your images to be wider than they are tall. A 16:9 aspect ratio works best all over Vimeo OTT.
Facebook page and Twitter account
Connect these to your Vimeo OTT site to encourage sharing. You can link them up on your Site settings page.
Additional Assets
Show off that poster you worked so hard on making for your work!
Show off shots from your work or photos from on-set
💡Tip: Include searchable info in the name of your stills, like film name or character or cast name, e.g. Spacemovie_LeadCharacter.jpeg. This helps with Google search.
Cast & crew list/bios
Give credit where credit is due.
Screening schedule
If your work is already being screened, share that schedule.
More social media links
Tumblr, Instagram, YouTube, etc.