In the event you have received a refund but have questions following our confirmation of the refund please consult below:
- I have not received my refund yet, how long does it normally take?
- It’s past the suggested time and I have not seen my refund, what can I do?
- Why does the refunded amount not match what I originally paid?
I have not received my refund yet, how long does it normally take?
While it typically takes up to 10 business days to process a refund, it may take longer due to your banking institution. We advise waiting for one entire billing cycle (about one month) for the refund to be posted back to the account.
It’s past the suggested time and I have not seen my refund, what can I do?
We suggest reaching out to your bank for additional assistance using your receipt reflecting the refund.
You can access your receipts by following the instructions here.
Why does the refunded amount not match what I originally paid?
If we support your local currency, your refund will be the same amount that was originally transacted.
In cases when your local currency must default to USD, you may pay a different rate due to exchange rate fluctuations. This also applies to refunds in different amounts due to exchange rate fluctuations.