If your payment information is not being accepted during the payment process, there are a few steps you can take to troubleshoot the issue:
- Double-check the expiration date: Verify that you have entered the correct expiration date for your credit card. If your card has recently been renewed, make sure you are using the updated expiration date.
- Verify the zip code: Ensure that the zip code you entered during the payment process matches the billing address associated with your credit card. If you have recently moved or changed your billing address, update the zip code accordingly.
- Check the CVV: The CVV (Card Verification Value) is a three-digit or four-digit security code located on the back of most credit cards. Make sure you have entered the CVV correctly. If your card has a scratched or illegible CVV, contact your credit card issuer for assistance.
⚠️Note: It’s always best to contact your bank or card issuer for more information if you are unable to add, change, or save your credit card details to your account.
How do I report an issue with my subscription payment?
If you are having trouble renewing an existing Vimeo plan, you can also try changing your payment method.
If you have followed these steps and your credit card still does not work, or if you are charged twice on your card for the same transaction, please contact us with the exact error message you are seeing using our contact form.
Error: Some information could not be verified. Please check the information or try a different card.
If you’re receiving this error message, then it’s likely that there’s something wrong with the details of your payment method such as the billing address. We suggest you check what your bank has on file and update it if necessary and re-try.